ALASS Membership:
Association to Link Advocacy and Support Services (ALASS) to Farmworkers is a membership organization to provide advocacy and enhance employment, educational and training services to farmworkers and low income families in the State of Florida.
Membership is open to agencies funded under federal and state provisions of the Workforce Investment Act that specifically target farmworkers as "Agency Memberships" and to other agencies, individuals and corporate sponsors who support the organization's purpose. The following form is a combined form for annual (July through June) membership dues and for attendance at the annual conference.
Some fields with asterisks (*) require information. If that field is not applicable to the purpose, type an "X" in the field. All individuals who are members and/or attend the annual conference will be included in the ALASS membership/conference attendee database to receive ALASS updates. ALASS members may submit their individual information using this form.
Membership requires sending the fees as described in the form. Agency Memberships (those operating under Workforce Investment Act funding) include all agency staff that are funded by the grant. All staff members included need to submit their information on this form to receive ALASS updates, but their agency fee is paid by the Coordinator's Agency Membership fee.
This blog is for sharing information among ALASS members; but the blog is subject to Internet searches. Therefore, any information that members would like to share in the blog needs to be submitted to for approval before it is posted. Information may include general meetings of interest; mandatory meetings; reference to pertinent legislation and resources for members; recommendations for advocacy efforts;success stories for programs, participants and people serving this population and more. It is the membership's blog and will be as useful as members provide exciting and current information.
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